Objekt Sudan
Objekt is a through-dyed, corrected and grained furniture leather with exceptional properties. Particularly suitable for the contract market, public buildings, restaurants and the care sector. Objekt is a long-lasting leather with a smooth and uniform surface for optimal utilization. Colors: 91 colors in stock Thickness: 1.0/1.2 mm Delivery: 3-4 business days Minimum: ½ hide Size: 59-60 sq ft (5.5 m2) per hide Raw material: Central European Tanning: Eco-friendly mineral tanning Care and maintenance: Leather impregnation, leather cleaning and general leather care Fire tests and standards: DIN EN ISO 1021 parts I + II, Flame retardant in accordance with DIN 75200 NF D 60- 013:2005, IMO-Resolution MSC.307(88
Price is per square foot and excl. VAT.
1 – 5 hides 30 DKK per square foot (323. per square meter)
6+ hides 28 DKK per square foot (301 DKK per square meter)