Bridge Navy

BRIDGE is a vacuum-dried, fine-grained, premium semi-aniline leather. BRIDGE boasts a beautiful, deep, silky glow with a slightly stiff feel, not unlike saddle leather. A subtle two-tone finish further accentuates this leather’s luxurious appearance. BRIDGE leather lends a tasteful touch to any room it’s placed in, being well suited to both home and contract settings.

Farver: 17 farver på lager
Tykkelse: 1.1/1.3 mm
Levering: 3-4 hverdage
Minimum: 1/1 hide
Størrelse47-52 kvf. (4,6 m2) pr hud.
Råvare: Central Europæisk
Garvning: Miljøvenlig mineralsk garvning
Pleje og vedligeholdLæderimprægnering, læderrens og almindelig læderpleje

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